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$ 32.20 $ 33.99
Do you have students who struggle with algebra? Do they find the problems difficult to understand, or of little real-world value? Do they find the repetitive practice boring? The problem may not be algebra. It may be the way students are learning algebra. In this book, master teacher, trainer, and celebrated math author Becky Bride will show you step-by-step, activity-by-activity, and lesson-by-lesson how she used cooperative learning structures to help her students succeed with algebra year after year. When the power of student-to-student interaction is unleashed in algebra, students enjoy learning more and the abstract algebraic concepts become more concrete and understandable. Chapters cover: working with rational numbers, expressions, equations and inequalities, linear functions and vertical lines, linear systems, polynomials, radicals, and quadratic functions. Transform struggling students into successful mathematicians with motivating teamwork activities. Book includes reproducible transparencies and activities. 464 pages Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 32.20 $ 33.99
Motivate your students to excel with teamwork. You'll be amazed at how well your students will work in teams. They'll pay attention, solve problems together, help each other out when a teammate gets stuck, and discuss pre-algebra concepts every day! Master math teacher and celebrated author Becky Bride shares her step-by-step cooperative learning activities and explorations with you. With this terrific resource, Becky takes all the prep work out of teamwork. Chapters cover: whole numbers, integers, decimals, fractions, ratios, proportion, percent, coordinate planes, data analysis, and probability. See why students overwhelmingly prefer working together than working alone. Watch your test scores soar. Book includes reproducible blacklines for transparencies and activities. 312 pages Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 138.60
Students build geometric models of polynomials exploring firsthand concepts related to them. Includes enough sets for 30 students. Each classroom set also includes our Overhead Set (LER 7541) and a 40-page book enabling students can be actively involved in teacher-directed lessons. Ages 11 to 17 Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 16.00
$ 141.00
Kit includes 30 sets of foam Algebra Tiles, an excellent algebra manipulative for your hands-on learners, and the comprehensive resource Working with Algebra Tiles, 2nd Edition. For grades 6-12.
About Working with Algebra Tiles:
This popular title is a complete resource for helping students to visualize the algebraic process. Students model math problems with algebra tiles to build and solve equations while gaining comfort and skill with algebraic expressions. Teacher's notes and reproducible activities cover integer operations, linear and quadratic expressions, perimeter, arrays, binomials and more. Each topic progresses through: objective, prerequisites, getting started and closing the activity. Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 18.30
This book covers integers; fractions; decimals and estimation; graphing; ratios, proportions, and percents; square roots; statistics and probability; and more. Includes practice pages, assessment tests, reproducible grid paper, and an answer key. Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 18.30
Covers linear equations; inequalities and absolute values; powers and exponents; quadratic equations and factoring; rational expressions and proportions; and more. Includes practice pages, assessment tests, reproducible grid paper, and an answer key. Avg Ship time 1-2 days