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$ 7.40
This standard size deck of playing cards is printed with Ten Frames to help students to see the different combinations that make 10 and to internalize the value of these numbers and their relationships. Ten Frames are one of the most important materials to help student visualize the anchor number of 10. Playing cards can be used with large groups, small groups, partners, individuals or in centers. Contents: 46 cards: 4 sets of Ten Frame cards (dots with frames) for 0-10. Suggested activities included.
$ 13.80
Using ten frames can encourage subitizing, help develop a sense of magnitude, show one-to-one correspondence, build number sense, improve understanding of base ten, and demonstrate strategies for composing and decomposing numbers. Ten frames are a versatile tool for addressing individual state standards, as well as addressing the CCSS. Great for developing number sense within the context of ten. Includes 4 interlocking foam boards with 40 two-color foam pegs.
$ 53.00
This magnetic Base Ten set is ideal for use with magnetic boards! Pieces are made from 19mm thick foam which makes them extremely durable for class use. Set includes 100 unit cubes, 10 rods, 10 flats and 1 thousands cube. Thousands cube measures 26cm x 26cm.
$ 11.70
A great visual aid for the demonstration number concepts on the whiteboard! Promotes composing and decomposing numbers, develops numbers sense and base-ten concepts, and operations skills (addition and subtraction). Ten frames can be used to develop students' subitizing skills, the ability to "instantly see how many". This skill plays a fundamental role in the development of students' understanding of numbers. Teachers and students will engage in base ten, operation skills and other number skills as a group or center activity. Set includes 2 magnetic foam Ten-Frames and 20 disks (10 red and 10 yellow disks). Foam makes it easy to remove pieces from white board. Each Ten-Frame measures 5" x 12-1/4".
$ 11.30
Use this innovative foam frame to model ones, tens, and a hundred for base-ten activities. Use with standard 1-centimeter base-ten blocks (not included). 10" x 6". Includes frame (10" x 6"), 21 foam number tiles, andteaching notes with activities aligned to the CCSS. Packaged in clear hanging bag with header card.
$ 11.30
Small sets of our most popular manipulatives make it easy and affordable to get manipulativeschildren learning the hands-on way! Great for parents and as starter sets for teachers. Easy-to-use activities are included.
$ 11.30
Set of 50 (3.5" x 6") cards showing ten-frames to 50; with ten-frames on front and number on reverse.
$ 11.30
Students will learn to model ones, tenths, and hundredths with this innovative foam frame. Use with standard 1-centimeter base ten blocks (sold separately) to represent and work with decimal numbers and equations. Includes frame, 21 number tiles, and teaching notes with activities for math standards.11" x 7". Grades 3-5.
$ 20.30
Model essential base ten and place value concepts for the whole class or for small groups with this clever tool. Works on any magnetic surface and consists of frame, base ten pieces, 21 number labels, and extensive teaching notes related to math standards. Frame measures 18" wide by 9" high. Base ten cubes are 0.625". Includes 20 unit cubes, 20 ten rods, and 1 hundred flat. This is a large magnetic version of our Base Ten Place Value Frame. Grade K-2.
$ 11.30
This versatile tool, designed to be used with standard 1-centimeter base ten blocks (units and rods of 10), helps students visualize and solve operations, ratio, and percent problems. The durable 1 cm foam number line is 4" high by 21" long and has dual channels that can hold up to 50 base ten units each and a dry-erase writing surface. The dual channels provide students the ability to represent and model equations and problems in a structured, meaningful way. Includes teaching notes with sample activities for CCSS. Does not include base ten blocks or rods. Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 19.50 $ 24.99
No flimsy frames-each die cut is a solid rectangle! Set features two sizes of magnetic frames. Large frames help teachers demonstrate base ten and operation concept on the classroom whiteboard. Smaller frames are great for students practice on a magnetic lap board. Inclues 2 large demo frames 4 student frames and 60 magnetic two-color counters (double sided red/yellow). Demo Frames measure 15"W x 6.19"H.
$ 32.50 $ 34.99
Bring your ten-frame activities to the "Froggy Pond" for small-group learning. This floor mat is a huge 3ft x 5ft (91.4cm x 152.4cm) and features a beautiful and realistic water scene with a large ten-frame leaf floating in the center and surrounded by lily pads. The lily pads feature numerals and the water droplets on each lily pad match the number as a visual reference to numbers 1-10. The floor mat is made of durable and washable phthalate-free PVC. Also included are 10 two-sided 6" (15.2cm) diameter Froggy Discs, one side red, the flip side yellow for a variety of ten-frame learning fun. A plastic storage tray for discs is also included.
$ 14.80 $ 14.99
50 Ten Frame Activities is a set of 50 double-sided activity cards for teaching math skills with ten frames. Topics include: numbers, number bonds, addition, subtraction, counting, grouping, equal sharing, skip counting, bridging, multiplication and division. The front side provides teaching objectives, resources used and procedure. The other side provides visual examples. Math manipulatives used effectively throughout and presented in clear photography. Contains 50 double-sided activity cards and a contents card that can act as a check off list.
$ 14.80 $ 14.99
50 Base Ten Activities is a set of 50 double-sided activity cards for teaching math skills with base ten blocks. Topics include: counting, subtilizing, problem solving, ordering, grouping, Ty numbers, place value, estimation, addition, trading, subtraction, doubling, halving, multiplication, squares, division, remainders, prime numbers, measure, volume, surface area, percentages, decimals and factors. The front side provides teaching objectives, resources used and procedure. The other side provides visual examples. Math manipulatives used effectively throughout and presented in clear photography. Contains 50 double-sided activity cards and a contents card that can act as a check off list.
$ 4.20
Use these Plastic Base Ten manipulatives to engage students in concrete demonstrations of place value and base ten concepts. Each cube measures one square centimeter. Each set includes 100 cubes. Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 15.00
Use these plastic base ten rods to teach basic place value and base ten concepts.
$ 52.80
Use these Plastic Base Ten manipulatives to teach math concepts, value and grouping while enabling students to easily manipulate and visualize varying quantities. Set includes 100 individual units, 30 rods, 10 flats, one cube, 112-page Base Ten Revised Book (LER 4296) and Teaching Notes.
$ 150.10
$ 53.20
Liven up learning as you help students understand abstract base ten concepts, including place value, estimation, operations, fractions, and more. Units in vibrant, bold colors are made of durable plastic. Set includes 100 units, 30 rods, 10 flats, 1 cube, and Base Ten book (LER 4296). For 3-4 students. Grades 1+ Ages 6+
$ 158.70
$ 50.90
Starter Set with 100 units, 30 rods, 10 flats, 1 cube, 96-page book in box. This unique set of Base Ten components conveniently interlocks to teach math concepts, value and grouping while enabling students to easily manipulate and visualize varying quantities. Older students can explore spatial relationships and volume.
$ 127.40
Class Set includes 600 units, 200 rods, 20 flats, 3 cubes, 96-page book in box. This unique set of Base Ten components conveniently interlocks to teach math concepts, value and grouping while enabling students to easily manipulate and visualize varying quantities. Older students can explore spatial relationships and volume.
$ 32.80
Model essential base ten and place value concepts on your whiteboard so the whole class can see. Real photos of base ten blocks go beyond typical base ten magnetics to helps students better visualize the 3-D representation of math concepts. Set includes 131 magnetic pieces: 100 units, 20 rods, 10 flats, 1 cube. Flats measure 6.75"L x 6.75"H; units measure 0.625"L . Grades 1+
$ 24.70
$ 40.30
$ 25.00
Use Ten-Frame Trays to visually teach early math skills such as counting, 1-to-1 correspondence, number patterns, addition, subtraction, and more. Trays are connectable and can also form 5 x 5 arrays for teaching multiplication concepts. Set includes 10 ten-frame trays, 5 five-frame trays, 150 double-sided counters, and activity guide. Ten-Frame trays measure 6.25"L x 2.625"H. Ages 5+. Avg Ship time 1-2 days
$ 53.60
Big mats and large, fun-to-move discs help build gross motor skills and add excitement to early math concepts such as counting, 1-to-1 correspondence, number patterns, addition, subtraction, and more. Includes 2 ten-frame floor mats, 20 double-sided blue/green discs, and Activity Guide. Floor mats measure 5'L x 2'H. Ages 5+.
$ 20.40
$ 12.30
Includes 100 of the 1-unit cubes (yellow); 20 of the 10-unit rods (green); and 5 of the 100-unit flats (blue). Each unit measures 3/8". 125 total pieces.
$ 7.20
$ 30.80
Brightly color-coded, plastic base ten blocks visually represent ones, tens, hundreds and thousands so students can visualize and quickly differentiate place value. Includes 100 yellow cubes, 10 green rods, 10 blue flats, and 1 red thousand block.
$ 19.20
These mats have base ten blocks (hundreds, tens, ones) pictured on one side. On the reverse is a grid with labels "hundreds," "tens" and "ones". Each side has space for students to write in numbers. Mats measure 9" x 12" and are made of tough, flexible plastic for use with dry-erase markers. Set of 10 mats. Grades 1-6.
$ 24.80
This comprehensive resource includes games and activities to help students develop an understanding of place value using base ten blocks. Students also explore 2-, 3- and 4-digit whole numbers and decimals, skip counting by 10s and 100s, regrouping and more. Reproducible pages are included to support the activities in the book. 104 pages. Grades 1-6.
$ 33.80
Demonstrate place value concepts with this affordable set of base ten materials. Set is made of durable plastic and includes 100 unit cubes, 50 ten rods, 10 hundred flats, and 1 thousand cube as well as activity guide with teaching ideas. Set includes enough materials for 1-4 students and is perfect for the classroom or at home use.