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$ 17.00
Classroom Number Line features numbers Ì20 to 120. Even numbers are black and odd numbers are red. Multiples of 5 are noted with a pentagon. Includes number words under each number. 5.5" tall x 37 feet long. Meets the Common Core Standards. Great for skip counting.
$ 14.80
$ 12.40
These write-on, wipe-off cards are ideal to help students solve operations, ratio, and a variety of other problems. Features a single line on one side, and two number lines on reverse. Measures 4" x 20" each.
$ 19.50 $ 24.99
Large yellow number line really pops visually on your whiteboard! Extends from -10 to 120 to help you reinforce numbers, counting, cardinality, and operations! Features color-coded numerals that are easy to read (red odds, blue evens, and black zero). Includes number line segments printed in increments of 5, 2 blank (customizable) segments, and left and right arrows. Dry-erase surface.
$ 24.10
$ 11.10
Magnetic Number line -20 to positive 120 help students understand the basics of counting and numeracy
$ 14.40
Use this versatile display to teach about even/odd numbers, positive/negative numbers, and math operations. 15 number line pieces, 8 accents, and a teacher's guide.
$ 8.70
Use this 16-foot-long number line to teach counting, skip counting, odd and even numbers, number words, and more! Includes 1 Number Line 0-100, 16 feet long.
$ 16.20
This Number Line bulletin board sets supports Common core State Standards with 14 number line strips with numbers ranging from -20 to 120.
$ 9.70
30 number lines, each 22in. x 1.5in. Includes numbers 0 to 30. Color coded for even and odd numbers. Write on or wipe away surface. Resource guide